Paul Dimmer

Looking back, I realise that sculpting has been part of my life since my tenth year. Around that time Dad allowed me to have a sheath knife, the kind with a bone handle and cast metal Indian head. At the time we lived in the fork at the junction of a river and a creek. Basket and weeping willows grew on the banks and provided a ready source of soft, easily carved wood. Whittled and decorated swords, spears, daggers, and bows and arrows were my first efforts. Oregon pine scraps from building sites were next, carved into pretty rough sailing ships, cars, 'planes and the like. - Paul Dimmer

For many years Paul worked as a sculpture, woodworker and painter in the time that was left between work and family. Then in 1998 he gave up his "real job" and moved to the South Coast. At first he pursued both two and three dimensional work, but gradually sculpture became his consuming passion. Paul started collecting and recycling materials in to art forms - limestone, hebel, sandstone, mild steel, stainless steel, cloth, paint, cutlery, reo bar, copper, brass, and pewter – anything that he could find and reclaim. His works are un-repeatable one offs, usually following a highly stylized form often with some quirky or subversive bent. They can be displayed inside the home or outside in the elements where they develop a beatiful patina. 


Olivier Duhamel


Peter Yu